Occupation In Demand List

Canada Occupation In-Demand List 2022-2023

Canada introduced Express Entry, an application management system, in January 2015. It replaced the previous “first come, first serve” immigration system and used a point-based ranking system – CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) for managing the applications of immigrants who have applied for Canada PR Visa through the following three major federal economic immigration programs:
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

It is the fastest immigration pathway to apply for a PR Visa with an ideal application that takes around 6 to 8 months to process. Under the FSW, candidates who have work experience in 347 eligible occupations can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) profile in the express entry pool. With the use of CRS, all the profiles are ranked in the express entry pool.

The highest-ranked profiles are then invited through frequently held express entry draws to apply for PR Visa. Candidates with an ITA have 60 days to submit their PR Visa application to the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada).

To apply for Canada PR Visa as a federal skilled worker, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Have a minimum of continuous one year of work experience or equivalent part-time work experience in the past 10 years in one of 347 eligible occupations that are listed under NOC (National Occupation Classification) system – Canada skill-shortage list 2022;
  • Work experience must be in a skilled occupation that is categorized in NOC Skill level O (Managerial occupations), A (Professional Occupations), or B (Technical professions and Skilled Trades). You can check your NOC code and all the details related to the profession like roles & responsibilities, examples, etc. in our Canada NOC list;
  • Score minimum 67 points in federal skilled worker points assessment grid;
  • Show minimum required language proficiency level with the cut-off set at  CLB level 7 or 6 per band in IELTS;
  • You must have sufficient settlement funds;
  • You must undergo a medical examination and have a PCC (Police Clearance Certificate);
You can check whether you are qualified for a PR Visa as a federal skilled worker by our free Canada pr visa eligibility calculator

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