Working while studying in Canada is one of the many benefits of choosing Canada as your study destination, there are so many advantages a student can avail while and after studying in Canada. Even without a work permit, most overseas students in Canada can work up to 20 hours per week and full-time during specified breaks. Working while studying can help you sustain yourself and meet new people while also allowing you to develop the contacts and experience that will help you stand out in the future job market.

In Canada, there is a strong culture of working while studying. However, remember that your studies come first, and don’t be afraid to request time off during exam periods or in front of a major deadline. Students who work while studying have the same labour rights as all other workers in Canada, and you should be aware of these rights as well as your province’s minimum wage. To file your tax return, make sure you get payslips and a solid record of employment.

What to do while studying in Canada?

  • While completing your study program in Canada, you would become eligible to work. Since the rate of employment is high in Canada, Canadian employers are generally keen on hiring students for internships and later providing full-time employment.
  • Prepare your résumé (CV) and cover letter before you start looking for jobs or applying for them. Your resume and cover letter are your best opportunity of attracting the eye of a potential employer and distinguish yourself as the finest applicant for the job. Make sure your CV is current and formatted according to Canadian employer expectations. Your cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your personality and accomplishments. Create a unique cover letter for each post, emphasising how you meet the specific requirements. If you’re applying online, your cover letter can serve as an introduction email to which you can attach your resume in PDF format.

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